HOPE! THEN AND NOW: The Holy Spirit’s Presence in Civil Rights

Dr. Earl Allen was a Spirit-filled servant of God whose sole desire was to live a God-pleasing life as he served God and His people. He was a writer, teacher, preacher and inspirational speaker committed to releasing all control to the Holy Spirit so that God’s perfect will was done in his life every day. An ordained minister for 61 years, the late Dr. Allen’s ministry emphasis was on the Holy Spirit.


HOPE Then and Now: The Holy Spirit’s Presence in Civil Rights chronicles the experiences of Rev. Dr. Earl Allen Sr. during the Civil Rights Movement. Expect to experience the commanding impact that Allen’s practice of nonviolence had in Houston and Dallas, Texas. His requirement to be disciplined and non-violent contributed to Houston not being demolished by riots like many other cities were in the sixties.

What resulted in Dr. Allen declaring, “Enough is Enough!”? What was the Shame of Segregation and why did he organize Black Sunday? While attending seminary, why was he confronted with acts of racism on campus every day? In spite of these challenges and many others, Earl Allen refused to settle for segregated facilities. He refused to accept demeaning discrimination laws. He referred to himself as a “Responsible Militant,” and he awakened hope in the hearts of people in Houston and Dallas, Texas.

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In this book, you will learn the antidote for racism, the Source of Dr. Allen’s courage  and the best-kept civil rights secret that reformed and transformed Houston and Dallas, Texas, and much more. Dr. Earl Allen was a Spirit-filled servant of God whose sole desire was to live a God-pleasing life.  


Dr. Allen was an author, preacher, teacher and inspirational speaker. He holds a United States patent for The KWIK® STUDY™ Educational System In addition, he wrote and inspired many to daily say The Believer’s Declaration of Liberation™ Thank you Holy Spirit, for helping me to release all control to You so that God’s Perfect Will for my life today is done.© In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

An ordained minister for more than 61 years, Dr. Allen was the founder of MIRACLELAND Church and CEO of Miracle Publications International, Inc in Houston, Texas.  He earned five degrees – an Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Theology, Master of Education, Doctor of Education – and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. Dr. Allen and his wife Jeanette are the parents of five adult children.